Newzoo: How generations interact with video games

The colleagues at Newzoo have released the second edition of their detailed report on the demographics of gamers and the video game audience across various generations and made it available for free.

The report examines which games are popular among generations from Gen Alpha to the Baby Boomers and how they interact with video games today and the importance of these in their daily lives.



Based on their own previously published Global Gamer Study, this report sheds light on the interaction behavior of gamers of all age groups with games in 2023. Games are attracting increasingly diverse audiences with every generation. Consumers are delving deeper into video games, and not just through pure gameplay. Especially younger players show great enthusiasm for new business models and technologies.

The key findings of the report are:

  • All generations, from Gen Alpha to the Baby Boomers, play. Some more, some less.
  • Video games are the main source of entertainment for Gen Alpha, 94% of this group can be classified as active and enthusiastic players.
  • Game preferences vary by generation.
  • Mobile phones are indeed the most used platform and adventure games are the most popular. Younger generations play on average more games of this genre than older players.
  • All generations spend money on video games. Most of the expenditure goes into mobile games. Younger console players spend the most money.
  • Watching game content (e.g., streaming on Twitch) is important for younger generations and is part of their engagement.
  • Over half of the younger players have discovered new brands while playing. 57% of Gen Alpha players are more likely to buy from a brand featured in a game.

You can download the report here. There’s also an online seminar on the topic, which you can register for.