Update: Global Games Market Report 2023

We are pleased to bring you the free version of this year’s Global Games Market Report, based on the Newzoo Games Market Reports and Forecasts.

This free version of the comprehensive work, which was only updated in October 2023, provides an insight into the games market in 2023 and beyond. The latest update includes new figures on the games market, the top companies by games revenue, key financial trends and a data-rich analysis of multiplayer subscriptions such as the Xbox Game Pass.


These are the thematic highlights of the Global Games Market Report 2023, which can also be found in the free version:

1. the global growth of the games market until 2026. the number of players worldwide is expected to reach 3.38 billion in 2023, which corresponds to an annual growth of +6.3%. The global games market will generate revenues totalling USD 184.0 billion, which corresponds to annual growth of +0.6%.

2. a breakdown of global games revenues by segment in 2023. mobile games will account for the largest share of revenues, while console games will be a key growth driver.

3. the top companies by games revenue. Tencent, Sony and Apple lead the ranking in 2023. The report provides an insight into the companies that generate the most gaming revenue.

4. trend analysis on generative AI in game development. In the full report, we examine a variety of trends, including the emergence of influencer-led game studios and the most exciting markets. This report gives you an insight into one of our favourite trends: how generative AI is changing the world of games and game development.

5. an overview of how transmedia storytelling is influencing player engagement and live gaming audiences.

6 A look at the games market by region and country: Newzoo covers 35 countries and markets.Here we analyse which regions are experiencing strong growth. We also look at the markets that still have a long way to go to shape the global ecosystem.

The latest version of the report can now be requested and downloaded from the NewZoo website.