Roblox introduces two new AI development tools

Roblox is launching two generative AI game development tools: Code Assist and Material Generator.

Although neither tool is capable of generating a playable Roblox experience from a text description, Roblox studio head Stef Corazza told the audience at GDC 2023 that they may very well help “automate basic programming tasks so you can focus on creative work.”


For now, that means generating useful code snippets and object textures based on short input prompts. Roblox’s announcement about the new tools gives some examples of how generating realistic textures for a “bright red rock canyon” and “stained glass” works, or creating multiple lines of working code that make certain objects change colour and self-destruct after a player interacts with them.

Code Assist looks quite promising. But the company points out that it doesn’t yet work 100% reliably and may produce “false” or “misleading” information. “It’s still up to you to review the code, test it and decide if it’s contextually appropriate.”

Still, Corazza seems confident that this is the first step on the road to making every user of the platform a creator. He says it will probably be a few years before these tools can create fully playable, interactive 3D scenes from a simple command prompt.

We are curious!