
Sony Playstation Bungie Service Games

Sony buys Bungie: The big chance for better service games

Sony wants to penetrate the market for service games. This could not only pay…

"GG" Boomer - Or why gaming knows no age barrier.

Anyone who has ever been to Gamescom or another gaming trade show can quickly…

Xbox vs. Sony Playstation: Does the Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard deal change everything?

Microsoft is gearing up for the future with Activision Blizzard. What’s…

Power On - The Story of Xbox

Do you remember the "Ring of Death"? That's what we called a hardware error in…

NIKELAND: Nike cooperates with Roblox

We think it's exciting when companies from different genres meet and do…

Netflix and Games?

Unsere Kollegen von Ranieri Gaming haben sich vor einiger Zeit schon Gedanken…

„GG“ Boomer – Oder warum Gaming keine Altersbarriere kennt.

Wer schon einmal auf der Gamescom oder einer anderen Gaming-Messe unterwegs…