Sony buys Bungie: The big chance for better service games
Sony wants to penetrate the market for service games. This could not only pay…
"GG" Boomer - Or why gaming knows no age barrier.
Anyone who has ever been to Gamescom or another gaming trade show can quickly…
Xbox vs. Sony Playstation: Does the Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard deal change everything?
Microsoft is gearing up for the future with Activision Blizzard. What’s…
Power On - The Story of Xbox
Do you remember the "Ring of Death"? That's what we called a hardware error in…
NIKELAND: Nike cooperates with Roblox
We think it's exciting when companies from different genres meet and do…
„GG“ Boomer – Oder warum Gaming keine Altersbarriere kennt.
Wer schon einmal auf der Gamescom oder einer anderen Gaming-Messe unterwegs…