YouGov publishes target group analysis “Environmentally Conscious Gamers”.

When sustainability and interest in the environment also arrive in the gaming room. YouGov publishes current target group analysis “Environmentally Conscious Gamers” in Germany.

According to a YouGov study, seven per cent of Germans describe themselves as “environmentally conscious gamers”. So gaming and environmental awareness definitely go together. In this context, they describe themselves as hardcore or core/midcore gamers, but also make it clear that they care about their ecological footprint.

YouGov Umweltbewusste Gamer

In summary, this means:

Seven out of ten people in this target group are male, mostly single and the majority between 24 and 34 years old. 22 percent have a migration background. The “environmentally conscious gamer” tends to live in rural areas and perhaps for this reason also sees “green energy” as our future. In addition, almost all respondents value morally correct behaviour on the part of companies. Almost two-thirds of the target group also believe that we should all drive less – in order to protect the environment in this way as well. According to #YouGov, a large part of this group is also more often willing to pay a voluntary surcharge for various activities in order to offset their ecological footprint or compensate for CO2.

These are just some of the results of the current target group analysis “Environmentally Conscious Gamers” by the international Data & Analytics Group YouGov, which we have linked below.

For us at Ranieri Gaming, these are exciting facts and learnings that help us understand target groups and support our clients in their communication in a targeted manner.
Independently of this, we find the steadily growing environmental awareness and interest in sustainability of a young generation to be extremely positive.

Link: YouGov target group analysis [German]