Press Office Germany





Press Office Germany: PR Program, Media Relations, Press Tours, (Digital) Event Support, Trade Show Support




Frontier aims at focusing not only on gaming but also on consumer media. Ranieri was tasked to broaden the recognition of all Frontier products (e.g. Elite Dangerous, Planet Coaster, Planet Zoo, Lemnis Gate, Jurassic World: Evolution, Jurassic World Evolution 2, Struggling, FAR: Changing Tides, Warhammer 40K: Daemonhunters  and Rollercoaster Tycoon 3) in the various media types (PC & Console).


Aside from regularly distributing press releases, Ranieri is also pitching press with individual stories and organizing interviews, (digital) events as well as speaker opportunities. Additionally event and trade show support as well as regular press tours.


Coverage in all relevant media since the beginning of the partnership (among others: BILD, Computer Bild, T-Online, CHIP, dpa, Süddeutsche Zeitung, TV Movie, GameStar, etc. -online and print) in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (= DACH region).

Constantly high number of Tier 1 clippings in defined core target media per month!

Reinforcement and increase of the company’s consumer and media publicity – not only in the gaming and tech press, but also within the broader consumer & lifestyle press.

Jurrasic World
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