Freaks 4U and Deutsche Messe bring DreamHack to Hannover

Freaks 4U and Deutsche Messe have agreed on a multi-year partnership regarding a German DreamHack. The first DreamHack is scheduled to take place in Hannover before the end of December 2022.

The Berlin-based full-service agency Freaks 4U and Deutsche Messe have entered into a multi-year partnership regarding the e-sports event DreamHack. The first event is already planned for December 15 to 18, 2022.


DreamHack Hannover


But then in Hannover instead of Leipzig. According to both parties, DreamHack Hannover will offer all the activities known from DreamHack, which once started as LAN party events in Sweden. NIn addition, there will be cosplay contests, influencer appearances, an exhibition area, music performances and e-sports tournaments in Hannover.

How things will continue in Leipzig and whether they will really set up their own games event is currently still open. In Hanover, on the other hand, the P1NG was supposed to take place in June. This is an e-sports convention that could now be in direct competition with DreamHack at the same location.

However this is solved in the end, but currently we can’t complain about too few events in terms of games and e-sports.