German streamers Unge and MontanaBlack are now making a podcast. In cooperation with the podcast producers of Podstars.
Admittedly, I totally missed it. It wasn’t until Christmas that I came across the not-so-new podcast format of the two streamers. Because currently everyone starts a podcast – regardless of whether they have something to say or not. So you can get confused and miss one or the other exciting project.
“… one of us drives Tesla, the other Lamborghini. […] One of us is drawn to Madeira, the other loves Buxtehude”.
The series will focus on discussions between the two – quite different – personalities. Anyone who knows the two YouTube and Twitch stars knows that the guys sometimes have very different views on topics that concern and interest us all.
Anyone with ideas for topics can submit them via #chatgeflüster on Twitter, which we think is very positive because it also involves the listeners. Even if it’s to be feared that MontanaBlack in particular doesn’t drop by every day and neatly note down the topics. You know him 😉
Since the whole thing has been running since the end of September, there are already some episodes you can listen to. Even people, who have a rather ingrained image of Monte and Simon and can actually not gain much from the whole thing, should give it a chance. The chance of being surprised is quite high.
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